Sometimes you can experience a good thing once and be happy, but other times, doing something repeatedly, is even better! Ms. A, a Phoenix Boudoir repeat offender aka repeat client of mine, tells us a bit more on her experience and what she’d tell you if you were considering booking a boudoir shoot with EB […]
The editing style and process are big for me. I’ve always been a massive fan of the natural canvas, embracing what we have and owning it; however, part of a photographer’s job is to edit in the right places with the right intentions. As an advocate for transparency in the wild and crazy photoshop filtered world […]
Black and White Vs. Color Photography. Which to choose, right? On one side you have vibrant warm skin toned images which can be ideal for intimate boudoir shoots. Then, there’s the timeless black and white boudoir images that will always be amazing and in-style. But which should you take home with you? Which is ideal […]
Hey ladies. Many of you know that I travel around a bit to visit clients in different states. I love this. Being a traveling boudoir photographer totally has its perks. Not only do I get to visit and offer a luxury boudoir experience to more clients, but I also get have mini adventures and travel […]
Virtual Boudoir Session. That’s a brand-new concept in the photography world right now. But with Covid-19 going on, what other safe options do we have? As you definitely know, we were hit with the news that we were to go under strict house arrest, only allowing us to escape the confines of our homes for […]
So, times are a TAD crazy right now- right?! We’re supposed to be stuck inside unless we’re going out for the essentials (TP anyone?) So some friends in the boudoir business decided that wasn’t gonna stop us. Ladies, say HELLLOOOO to Virtual Sessions. These little sessions can also be referred to as “webcam sessions” if […]