Breast Augmentation- Your Top 10 Questions Answered

My Why Behind Getting My Breasts Done Breast Augmentation…I know. It may seem odd that a woman who constantly preaches about “loving yourself as you are” chose to get her boobs done. Hypocritical- maybe… Worth it for me? Absolutely, ladies. Here’s the thing. I didn’t think I was unattractive before. In all honesty, not to […]

The Best Cheat Sheet for Boudoir Prepping | EB Boudoir

I am so frikin excited for you!!  And the day is almost here. You have booked your shoot, so now let’s talk about the best cheat sheet for boudoir prepping so you are primed, and ready for your incredible experience.  I’ve outlined the following cheat sheet into a 3-Step Boudoir Prep Plan! You will successfully […]

EB Boudoir, Bathtub

This is the experience that every mom needs | EB Boudoir

Do you remember where you were last when you looked at yourself and thought- damn, I look good today. But then, after only a moment, did your shoulders droop as you let you a sigh? Something in your head reminded you of all the OTHER things you should be doing rather than giving yourself a […]

bed, sexy, eb boudoir

Valentines and Covid | EB Boudoir

I know, how can we even start thinking about Valentine’s day during Covid19? Seems crazy, but hun, we need to still spoil ourselves with some serious self-love whenever we can during these crazy times. So, Valentines and Covid – how should we celebrate? I mean, we all I think can agree this year feels just as […]

EB Boudoir, Valentines

Guest Blog | Make-up and Hairstylist

This week, I thought I would mix it up with a guest blog!  This week I would like to introduce, Yolanda Lake. I have worked with Yolanda for the past five years in Phoenix. She – along with only two others – are my go-to gals. Why is that? Because It is so important to hire […]

Give the Gift of an Experience | EB Boudoir

For me, when I think boudoir, I think of an experience. So, Why not give the gift of an experience this holiday season? I mean, after the year we have had, who couldn’t use feeling like a goddess. I believe boudoir is meant to build a woman’s confidence in herself. To help her embrace her […]

EB Boudoir, Gift Card

The Truth About Self Care | EB Boudoir

Self-care is on my mind today, and especially during this time of the dreaded homeschooling. So, I thought we could touch base on the Truth About Self Care that I wish I had known years ago. I think this is something all of us – a HUGE shout out to you Mamas – could really […]

Top 10 Boudoir Questions Answered

You may think that I get a lot of boudoir questions coming in from potential clients. It’s true, most clients always have a few questions before booking, but in truth, it’s usually the same ones that I tend to get. I thought, why not share them with you and maybe it would answer some questions […]

Denver Boudoir Testimonial with Ms. M

Denver Boudoir Testimonial- An Important Step After a boudoir session I always ask my clients to fill out a little Post Session Questionnaire to help me gauge how I’m doing as a boudoir photographer, business owner, and all around person. It’s a Denver Boudoir Testimonial, really. I want to be sure 100% of my girls […]

The Photo Every Woman Needs | Raw with EB Boudoir

Today I am feeling inspired to talk to you about the photo every woman needs. That RAW authentic photo that shows the real beauty. One that displays every mark, and every line that helps mold you into that woman I am looking at through my lens. I want to get real with you and show […]

Raw, EB Boudoir