Self Love Is The Best Love | Client Testimonial

As you probably know, I am a big advocate that self love is the best kind of love! Booking a boudoir session should never be just for your partner, or to simply have images to post on social. Feel free to post them, however, having these raw, amazing photos of yourself in the nude or […]

Emily Brault EB Boudoir Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer

Finding The Perfect Lingerie For Your Boudoir Shoot

Hey ladies! Let’s chat about all of the silky, pretty little sets that are on the market and where to find the perfect lingerie for your boudoir shoot. Not only do I have some favourite shops and a few websites for you to look into, but I will also share some of my secrets on […]

Emily Brault EB Boudoir Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer

Wearing The Right Bra Size Is Everything!

We’re all probably wearing the wrong bra size. Okay ladies, this recurring problem happens ALL. THE. TIME. We are walking around in our day to day lives wearing the wrong bra size. Seriously, it is TRUE. I’m here to tell you that being a woman is hard sometimes, and yes, there’s not a lot of […]

Emily Brault EB Boudoir Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer

In Front Of The Camera – A Testimonial

I know I have spoken A LOT about why I believe a boudoir session is important for all woman to experience but I don’t want you to take it just from me! I am here to share an amazing client testimonial from the beautiful Ms. N. She was kind enough to share her thoughts from […]

Excuses why not to do a boudoir photoshoot and why you should give them a big F-U!

Hey girl, I know we have all been there and questioned ourselves about whether we should take the boudoir shoot plunge – it’s natural! What I am here to say is the misguided excuses of why not to do a boudoir photoshoot are just that- misguided! If you’ve ever struggled with confidence or aren’t 100% […]

What Should I Wear For My Boudoir Photoshoot?

When I am preparing to shoot a boudoir session, the most common question I get is: “What should I wear?” Do not worry ladies, I got you! When we think boudoir we typically think of lingerie, but that is not the only thing you can wear to a shoot! If this is a treat for […]

Emily Brault EB Boudoir Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer

6 Tips For Anti-Bloating Before Your Boudoir Shoot

Whether it is your first boudoir photoshoot or your tenth, as your new bestie and photographer, I want you to feel your absolute best on your shoot day. As the popular saying goes, “like a million dollars!” And girl, we are going to MAKE. IT. RAIN. So to ensure that you are feeling amazing in […]

4 Reasons You Should Do A Bridal Boudoir Session Before Your Wedding

You’ve planned the big day and it’s getting closer. Maybe you did engagement photos and even a bridal portrait session, and soon you’ll have gorgeous wedding photos to hang around your house, but there’s one more session you’re going to want to do before tying the knot: a bridal boudoir session. If you’ve been on […]

Who’s Got the Popcorn | EB Boudoir

Who’s got the popcorn! There are dozens of reasons why a women should do a boudoir shoot for herself, but don’t take my word for it! Here’s a little video of client testimonials I’ve recently done. Have a watch and hear what they have to say about EB BOUDOIR. Have questions? Don’t hesitate to reach […]

Confident Beautiful Exciting | Mrs. B’s Experience

Confident Beautiful Exciting – That is what it is all about. Boudoir is an experience that everyone should experience. Mrs. B’s Experience Q: What or who made you decide to book a boudoir session? A: I did it for my husband. It was something I’ve always wanted to do. Q: How did you hear about […]