Facial Expressions for Boudoir

So, facial expressions and how to bring them out during your Denver Boudoir session? Sounds a tad nerve wracking, huh? But it’s ok, babe! Today, I want to talk about the importance of showcasing different facial expressions during your boudoir shoot. Whether you’re going for a sensual, serious, or playful vibe, your facial expressions can […]

Book A Boudoir Session- Ms. C’s Testimonial

Why to book a boudoir session? Hmmm… well….Are there those things that you’ve been considering doing, but “life” happens and you just keep pushing them off OVER and OVER again because something else popped up that you felt was much more important? Raise your figurative hand girlie… I’ll wait… Guess what?! I’ve got my hand […]

I’m a Mom and I’m Beautiful- Ms. A’s Testimonial

I’m a Mom and I’m beautiful. Being a mom doesn’t mean we’re any less attractive ladies. In fact, after I had my daughter, I found my body more feminine and curvy. I loved it. Yeah, the boobs took a hit, but when we think about the craziness that our body undergoes to create these little […]

Stop Hating Your Image

Stop hating your image, girl. How often do you look at yourself in the mirror when getting ready, and the first thing you do is zero in on those so-called “flaws” that you don’t like about yourself. Why do we do this? Why not look and find those things that make us gorgeous and uniquely […]

Christmas in July with EB BOUDOIR

Christmas in July ladies- it’s here! Woot woot! What does that mean for EB BOUDOIR fans? Well, keep reading to find out, lovie. If you’ve been wanting to get some classy Denver Boudoir photos taken, here’s your chance! You don’t wanna experience FOMO this month. Christmas in July Deal The Retainer fee (normally $300) is […]

Boudoir Feedback in Denver | Ms. M

Hello from Emily with EB BOUDOIR in Denver Boudoir feedback from all my clients is super important to me. How else will I know if there’s anything I can improve upon? Always room for growth, I say. That’s why, after every Denver or Phoenix Boudoir session, I send out a Post Session Questionnaire to see […]

Wardrobe Malfunctions | EB Boudoir

Nothing is perfect in life. Trust me, babe, wardrobe malfunctions do happen. There are many times when we have all felt uncomfortable in our own skin, let alone our wardrobe. All bodies are different, depending on our own personal style, and in combination with what is also highly marketed to us, the best fit may […]

EB Boudoir, Denver, Lingerie

The Faces of Boudoir | EB Boudoir

The Faces of Boudoir, Oh how there are so many.  I know you’re scared- perhaps a little intimidated by the unknown boudoir world. I’ve personally been there and have had the same nervous butterflies before standing in front of a camera and a new photographer. Let us set that aside for one sec as I […]

EB Boudoir, Poses

Past Clients, A Little Something For You | EB Boudoir

To my past clients – Denver to Phoenix (even those badass babes I connected with while traveling) I have a question for ya… “Have you ever tuned in or been a fan of the half-time Super Bowl show?” I’m not really interested so much in the Super Bowl per se, but I love the mini-slate […]

EB Boudoir, Denver

Questions to Ask Your Boudoir Photographer Before Hiring | EB Boudoir

Let’s chat questions to ask your Boudoir Photographer before hiring them. I wanted to share a little info between us girls and make note that as a professional Boudoir photographer, my niche can be met with some unprofessional characters and, let’s say, bad actors in the field.  While I don’t want to be a negative […]

EB Boudoir, Questions to ask, Boudoir