I’m a Mom and I’m Beautiful- Ms. A’s Testimonial

I’m a Mom and I’m beautiful. Being a mom doesn’t mean we’re any less attractive ladies. In fact, after I had my daughter, I found my body more feminine and curvy. I loved it. Yeah, the boobs took a hit, but when we think about the craziness that our body undergoes to create these little miracles, it’s completely unbelievably cool! And we shouldn’t hate on the little details that make us a mama, right?

Wanna see what this Mama thinks about herself now after having an EB BOUDOIR experience here at the Denver Boudoir studio?

beautiful mom in boudoir

What/who made you decide to book a boudoir experience with EB BOUDOIR?

I’ve wanted to do one for years as a way to embrace my sexuality and feel beautiful. After having my second child, I decided it was time to pull the trigger!

Did anything change about the way you see your own beauty/sexuality/sensuality/body confidence as a result of this session?

Yes, 100%. I honestly was more afraid of the reveal than the photo shoot. I had a hope I could be a beautiful/sexy woman in this kind of context and was terrified that the photos would dash that hope a little bit…that at the end of the day I would be ‘just me’ in my t-shirts and mom jeans and lack of ability to make my hair cooperate. I teared up when I saw the photos because they helped me see myself as my husband sees me.

I'm a mom and I'm beautiful

How did you hear about and why did you choose Emily Brault?

I looked online for local options and fell in love with Emily’s portfolio

How did the Denver session make you feel?

My photographer, Emily, did an amazing job making me feel comfortable and like I was doing a good job. It was nerve-wracking of course but also fun, and I laughed a lot.

What was your favorite part of the EB Boudoir experience and why?

I loved how many different poses we were able to do in a short period of time. The space was gorgeous and I knew we’d have an amazing variety of shots (and we did!)

Anything we could have done to make the Denver Boudoir experience better?

Nothing comes to mind – it was perfect

If you were to recommend EB BOUDOIR to a friend, what would you say?

She knows her stuff – she will make you feel beautiful just as you are and leave you with photos you will treasure for your entire life. She’s an amazing artist.

moms are beautiful

After reading this, does it give you power to do the same? Let’s try this out for size. When you start looking at those mom bods, recite this, “I’m a mom and I’m beautiful” because you are, darling. You really are.

Interested in booking your own session? Reach out to me! I’d love to answer any questions you may have.

