The Best Reaction Video Ever | Thank you to Mrs. H

Ok, so let’s be honest for a second… I would say that I don’t cry easily, but that would be wrong. I’m a huge wuss. A good Campbell’s Soup commercial can bring me to tears, Christmas cards, a song-you name it… This however, I was not prepared for.   As many of you know, this […]

Ignite The Spark | Client Testimonial

Whether you and your partner have been together for two years or twenty, I can sometimes be hard to find that burning passion for each other. What if I told you, I have the perfect way for you to ignite the spark between you again in one afternoon?! I know, you don’t believe me. But […]

EB Boudoir – Collage Frame

“A portrait is not made in the camera but on either side of it.” You’ve gotten your boudoir photos back and (of course!) you love them. But what now? Please, I beg of you, don’t let them sit inside your nightstand! I offer beautiful framing options, to make sure that doesn’t happen. Pictured below, the […]

No More Negativity | Client Testimonial

Let’s face it. We’re all guilty of looking in the mirror and thinking unkind, negative thoughts about our bodies. Unfortunately, some of us more than we would care to admit. When your girlfriend says “Ugh I just want to lose ten pounds, then I would be happy,” we always reply “You’re beautiful and perfect, you […]

boudoir photography

How Much Will It Cost?

When it comes to photography, my most frequently asked question has always been “how much will it cost?” To be honest, every photographer is different. There are so many things to be factored in when it comes to setting your price. From location to experience level, to length of time and how many images you […]

The Camp Do More Experience

What Is Camp Do More? If you’ve never heard of Camp Do More, I urge you to pause reading this and go check out their website. To be brief, Camp Do More is a sleep-away camp for adult photographers. At its core, Camp Do More is so much more. At Camp there’s no judgment; everyone […]

Confidence is Key | Client Testimonial

We’ve all heard the saying “confidence is key,” but that’s much easier said than done! Confidence. It’s a simple word, yet something that many people, often women, seem to have trouble finding. Regardless of the reason, too many women in this world lack self-confidence, and girl, myself included. So, how can we combat this feeling […]

boudoir photography

To Nude or Not to Nude

Boudoir, to nude or not to nude. That ‘s probably one of my most commonly asked questions! Generally, it goes a little something like “Yikes, I don’t have to go nude do I?!” The answer is – of course not, you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with! “Going nude just isn’t for me.” […]

The Gift of Boudoir | Client Testimonial

Okay, as you all know I always say booking a boudoir session should never be just for your partner. So, let’s talk about The Gift of Boudoir. These images should be for you to look at and feel amazing about – you in all of your strong, beautiful, and sexy glory! When Ms. M came to […]

Emily Brault EB Boudoir Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer

Why You Shouldn’t Go Pinterest Crazy Before Your Boudoir Photography Session

Ladies, I know that once you’ve scheduled your boudoir session your first instinct is to fire up Pinterest and start looking for inspo. I mean, I’ve even TOLD YOU TO DO THIS in the past… But, with that being said, I want you to tread carefully, and here’s why! For starters, you WILL get lost […]

Emily Brault EB Boudoir Phoenix Arizona Boudoir Photographer