Earn Money with the EB BOUDOIR Affiliate Program

Earn Money by Sharing the Love

Wanna earn money? I’ve done them before- Affiliate / Referral Programs. I would offer product credit which seemed like a good motivator, but often times, clients purchase what they want during their Reveal and Ordering appointment so it isn’t a huge incentive to get more credit for products you don’t truly want.


I was thinking- why not offer something I WOULD WANT? Cash anyone? That’s right! You earn money for every single gal pal that you refer who books with me. Happy Dance? I think so…


Boudoir Sessions // $50 per referral

It’s like finding a crisp $50 in your pocket for just chatting to your besties about your session, and sharing an image or two. Think of it as a sexy Show and Tell.

But maybe you had your eye on that folio box or luxury boudoir album you didn’t order? No worries, love. I’ll still offer you $100 product credit if you prefer not to take the cash. 😉


1.) Shoot me a message to emily@emilybrault.com and let me know you wanna hop on the band wagon and earn some money this season. (Come on, extra shopping days at Target or Anthro? Sign me up!)

2.) I will send over some business cards or company literature that you can put your name on and you can pass it out to your gal pals.

3.) Make sure your girlie friends who book turn in one of those pieces of literature with your name on it, or mention you during booking, so I can be sure to give you your credit!

4.) You will be paid within two weeks after your friend has booked her session.


Interested? Then shoot that email over to me, love-bug! I’ll be waiting…


Earn money by talking about your eb boudoir experience

FINE PRINT: You must be a previous EB BOUDOIR client to be part of the program. Referred clients MUST remember to mention you during time of booking their session for you to be paid. If you’re paid more than $600, state tax law requires you to complete a W-9. I know. Silly taxes, but I don’t wanna get in trouble. Also, by signing up to the affiliate program, you are not required to make any sales quota. Just share the love and refer your gal pals.