Picking Favorite Photos at Your Boudoir Reveal

How to Choose Your Favorite Photos from Your Boudoir Shoot

You’ve just finished your boudoir shoot and holy crap, what fun that was!!! But here comes my personal favorite part- you picking your favorite photos when Reveal appointment comes.

favorite boudoir photos

It’s time to chose your favorite photos! But with so many gorgeous images, it can feel a bit overwhelming, love. Sorry. But it’s a good problem to have!

Don’t worry, here’s a little guide to help you pick the ones that truly capture your essence.

1. Go with Your Gut when Picking your Favorite Photos

Start by doing a quick run-through of all the images and see which ones immediately catch your eye. Trust your instincts—those first impressions often reveal the shots where you felt most confident and beautiful.

picking a favorite photo

2. Look for Variety

While it’s tempting to choose multiple shots of your favorite pose, try to mix it up! Pick a range of images that showcase different sides of you—maybe one that’s sultry, another playful, and one that’s soft and romantic. This variety will give you a well-rounded collection that tells the full story of your session.

3. Focus on What Makes You Feel Amazing

Boudoir is all about celebrating you, so choose the photos where you feel the most empowered and true to yourself. Whether it’s a subtle smile or a bold pose, select the images that make you feel amazing every time you look at them.

boudoir close up

4. Get a Second Opinion

If you’re torn between a few options, don’t hesitate to ask for a second opinion from me or you can bring a bestie along! A fresh perspective can help you see details you might have missed and reassure you about your choices.

5. Take Your Time

Don’t rush the process! Allow yourself an hour or sometimes more to look through during your reveal appt. No rushing back to work if you can help it.

Remember, this is about capturing the essence of you—your strength, beauty, and confidence. Trust yourself, and you’ll end up with a collection of photos that you’ll treasure forever.