The Story Behind It | EB Boudoir

I get asked often about the story behind it all. What made me decide on EB Boudoir. How did I find myself here…

Honestly, personal branding can be a daunting process, and a bad name can haunt you years down the road and lead to inconsistency with your online presence and confuse future clientele. However, a great name can be an accelerator and compliment to your business, so with that said, it was not a task I took on lightly. 


EB Boudoir, Denver Studio


I hadn’t sweated the small stuff for a while until I started to shift my business exclusively to Boudoir photography. I had some choices to make and hoped that inspiration would manifest itself. 

The Story Behind It

So, where did I start on this journey to working exclusively for myself and building my business? As a little kid, I made bracelets, sold art, and other jewelry throughout my childhood and college years. I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time. 

I’ve had names like Emmy Shoppe, Trendy Trinket, ClockStrikes12….the list goes on. 

Ah yes, those were the days. 

I wanted to be identified as me and not a business name when it came to my photography. As a medium, photography is procured by the artist themselves, and they are their craft. Much like a painter. Would they sign the bottom of their painting to any other name than themselves? It made sense to me that if I was a creator and artist, my business identity needed to be deeply linked to who I was.


the Story Behind It, EB Boudoir



So, Emily Brault Photography was born years ago, and when I stepped away from weddings, I became EB Boudoir.  

I’m an all-in kind of gal, so rebranding and shifting focus to Boudoir, my business name had to be something that clicked and made sense to anyone who would come upon it. I suppose I didn’t think too long on it in retrospect because it was already there. That’s the essence of what I do—taking what is already there and turning a lense to it, finding its beauty, and bringing the best version of itself out in front. 

EB is just my initials. I know, nothing super exciting, but it’s me! And that’s what you’ll get. 

EB Boudoir

Boudoir, to me, is an experience that is meant to build a woman’s confidence in herself so that she can embrace her true femininity. It doesn’t matter your shape, size, color, or life status – boudoir is simply a fun, pampering girl-day with an old friend. 

I will coach and guide you through the entire process, and in the end, it isn’t just about having photos that you can love and cherish for years to come – it’s about building confidence in yourself and loving who you are, both mentally and physically. Think about your boudoir session as a form of phototherapy – it’s cathartic, it’s relaxing, it’s invigorating, and it’s enlightening. 

At EB Boudoir, we come together and liberate; 





EB Boudoir, Denver, bodysuit


Inquire about booking your EB Boudoir session today! Dive in just as I did at the start of my journey; take a leap of faith in yourself. 


Want to search around a bit on the website? Explore our testimonials here. And Photogallery for some serious inspo!