Taking Care of You During Covid-19 | Eb Boudoir

Hello Beautiful Babes, let’s talk about Taking Care of You During Covid-19.

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during this crazy time!

For this week’s blog, I wanted to give some simple tips for practicing self-care for free from the comfort of your home.

As we all know going out isn’t an option right now for many of us and in most cases salons and spas are closed so I wanted to be sure that you ladies had the proper tools to continue your self-love journeys right from the comfort of your couch even if the littles are running amuck and everything is in temporary chaos.

When it comes down to it the most important thing we can do for ourselves is to remember that we matter just as much as everyone else and we cannot allow ourselves to get left behind.

We all know it’s so hard to fit everything we need into our schedule, especially when everyone is home and we gotta make sure things are taken care of, but we also know that self-love and self-care are crucial to our health and happiness!

So today is your day to take these simple steps towards self-care during self-isolation and get back on top of your mindset!


1. Self Love Affirmations –

Every morning when you wake up take just a few extra minutes for yourself during your morning routine. While you are doing all that morning prep take a minute to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself three things you love about you. Repeat them to yourself a few times for good measure. This will help you start off every day the right way and set the tone for self-love all day!

Self care, Covid 19


2. Take a little Me-TV Time –

While we are cooped up in our houses one thing we do still have is a TV.

So turn on the TV or grab your laptop and take some time to put those chores on hold while the kids are napping. Whether it’s your favorite show, a romance that will make you swoon, or a comedy just be sure to take this time and let yourself just exist for a bit.

It’s perfectly okay to stop and give yourself that moment for you! In fact it will help everyone in the long run so binge an episode or twelve 😉


3. A Hot Bath –

Naturally, as women and mothers, it’s our instinct to jump in the shower wash our hair and body as fast as we can, and jump back out to tend to other family members but I challenge you to do some self-care by really enjoying your shower time.

Some of our best thinking is done in the shower so take some time for yourself and hey if you can turn it into a bath with a great book, some bubbles, and a glass of wine you better get it, girl!

Self care, Covid 19


4. DIY face Mask –

So the spa is closed? That’s okay! You probably have tons of ingredients for face masks right in your pantry or fridge! Take some time to use up those unused ingredients and put them to work on your skin!

You’ll feel refreshed and your skin will thank you! Here is a favorite recipe of mine for you to try or you can look one up and share it with us in the Facebook group!

No matter which way you go you’ll be treating yourself and keeping healthy while doing it! 


5. Music Speaks to the Soul –

One fabulous way to get your self-care on even in the midst of the cooking, cleaning, chores, and kids are to do it all to the soundtrack of your soul! So throw on your favorite music and jam out or toss on a relaxing meditation and let go of all that stress. 


Now that you have some quick tips and awesome suggestions for keeping your self-care going even during quarantine you gotta get to it and make it happen! You can do this.


Feel free to get your self-care on and encourage other babes to do the same in the facebook group! We would love to see you putting these tips into action so share your favorite face mask recipe, show us a picture of you dancing to your self-care playlist.


No matter what you do just be sure you aren’t forgetting to take care of yourself!


Stay Beautiful! Stay Healthy! Give yourself the love you deserve and remember self-love is not selfish!


