Spokane Client Review | Ms. H Tells Her Story

A client review is truly an integral part of running a business.

After every one of my client’s shoots, I’m sure to send out a post session questionnaire where I can get feedback on their experience. I think they’re important because without feedback (good or bad) how can someone grow? Plus, having them available to potential clients is super important as well!

When I was in Spokane a couple months back, my makeup artist suggested to one of her clients to come in for a luxury boudoir session in the loft. I’m so thrilled she suggested me because Ms. H and I had the BEST time!

When clients trust me and let go during their shoots, true magic can happen and you can usually tell in a photograph.

Take a look and a quick read to learn more about what Ms. H stated in her EB BOUDOIR review.

boudoir review of eb boudoir

What/Who made you decide to book a boudoir session?

Terri Reece (EB BOUDOIR’s Hair and Makeup Artist in Spokane, WA). I’ve been wanting some sexy photos for a while. Trusted Terri’s recommendation.

How did you hear about and why did you choose Emily Brault?

Terri Reece.

sexy photoshoot review

Did anything change about the way you see your own beauty/sexuality/body confidence as a result of the session?

Hmmm. I was super confident in my beauty through this shoot. I’d show these pictures to anyone!

How did the session make you feel?

SO FREAKING CONFIDENT. Every time I think about it I’m on a high of empowerment, self love and confidence.

What specifically was your favorite part of the experience and why?

Dressing up, posing, the positive feedback from Emily.

boudoir review

Anything we could have done to make the experience better?

Not a thing.

If you were to recommend us to your best friend, what would you say?

It was so empowering, I was so comfortable, you have to do it!

Anything else you’d like to add?



client review

I’m so blessed to have gotten the amazing clients that I have and I really love reading their reviews and feedback.

I hope that by reading these testimonials you have more courage and book your own shoot.

Have a question or would you like to book a session? Contact me here!