Why I Shoot With Canon | EB Boudoir

New year, new camera gear!? Not this gal. Let’s talk about why I shoot with Canon. 


Why I shoot with Canon, EB Boudoir


I have a deep appreciation for the tried and true. Value occasionally can be contradicted by shiny, new, and hyped products.

In any field or hobby, getting started is always met with uncertainty. What equipment do I use? Is there a best out there? What is my favorite influencer using? 

And that late-night deep dive on Pinterest in bed? I see you, babe believe. I’ve done some late-night scrolling myself this past holiday season. We had the time after all! And I secretly loved it but not a habit for moving into 2022 for sure! 

Why I Shoot With Canon

One night, one of those deep dives got me thinking about my camera gear.

I’m continuously researching and staying current on my craft, and jeez, are there a million and one recommendations, advertisements, and upgrades out there for photographers! It’s silly, really, however sifting through all this ‘noise’ one night, I became pretty nostalgic and started to think about my first camera. I loved her. Yes, love is a funny word for an object, but it has given me my livelihood and added so much value to my life; it is the tool for my artistry and craft. 


Canon, EB Boudoir


I can remember the smell of the first darkroom I ever entered in junior high. I was a curious little bean and took photography 101, cause why not?! Stepping into a dark room, well, it’s a feast for the senses. The smell gets you first. All the chemicals sitting in the trays have a pretty pungent odor, not to mention the red lighting and, yes, the ‘darkness’ of the room. What an escape! There I was fallin’ in love with photography in the darkroom. I must say, those rooms and the techniques behind developing the film were so fun!

How it Came to Be

Lucky me, I had a fantastic friend who gifted me my first film camera, and it was a canon! Ever since I’ve been hooked on the brand. For the record, I have nothing against Nikon, Sony, etc. It’s just that I’m familiar, highly skilled, and confident with my canon, and I would like to stick with it. 

Some day, ill invest in a dark room, and it will be my little sanctuary. I shoot in digital 99% of the time, but I break out the old girl for pleasure. A renaissance for film and print has popularized once again. Thank you, Gen Z! I never thought I’d say that! 

An appreciation for the tried and true, for what we are comfortable with and rather not change. I’m all in this 2022.

I have to ask, for all my bad-ass boudoir babes out there, do you have anything that you’re just comfy with and would rather not change?


Why I shoot with Canon, EB Boudoir


I’m 100% down for all things nostalgia; as the former generations would say, why fix it if it’s not broken! So, genuinely, girl to girl, Hollar! I want to know what your tried and true is! What’s your go-to that keeps on giving? 

Send me a little note!  While you are there, is there anything you would like to know more about here on the blog? 

If you want to check out my favorite collection of digital photographs, click here to explore. 
