My Why Behind Getting My Breasts Done
Breast Augmentation…I know. It may seem odd that a woman who constantly preaches about “loving yourself as you are” chose to get her boobs done. Hypocritical- maybe… Worth it for me? Absolutely, ladies.
Here’s the thing. I didn’t think I was unattractive before. In all honesty, not to seem too cocky about it- I thought I was a little hottie. A hottie Mama with pancake boobs though. Yeah. I said it. My daughter destroyed my breasts. No joke. (Totally worth it 100%, but yeah… Volume gone.)
“But Em, we’ve seen your own boudoir images… They didn’t look like pancakes.” Yeah. I know. that’s cause I know how to pose lovies. I would use fun tricks of my trade like hand bras, and my arms to hoist those little girls up. Plus FALSE ADVERTISING BABES! Thank you to the add two cup sizes at Victoria’s Secret. Totally a little cheater.

Photo Credit: Alex Charilaou
Something I did notice, though- immediately after having my little girl, I loved my breastfeeding boobs. Wow. Those girls were amazing!!! Like, “how you doin’?” amazing. (Sorry. I love FRIENDS and Joey Trib is so hilarious…)
And I had absolutely no false padding in my bras. They were ALL ME!
So, there I was, admiring my new Mama bod, which was great! But then, 10 months in of breastfeeding my little one, I had to stop… She decided it was hilarious to use her brand new teeth to bite me, and HARD. So, I stopped breastfeeding. But then, it happened- boob death. Like, RIP my lovies. Nice to know ya.
Granted, I still loved my new mom bod. I had a sense of pride knowing that my body produced life! How kick ass is that?! But I missed the confidence that my other boobs gave me. For once, I felt balanced and I enjoyed how I filled out my shirts or bathing suits. I don’t know if you guys have noticed before but Emmy has some junk in the trunk (love it by the way). But I was always curvy down below with a flat chest and just felt kinda off.
I didn’t mind it, but then being introduced to the potential bigger boobs, it was a form of torture to have them stripped (or hallowed) away.
So that, in a nutshell, is why I made the choice to augment. I wanted to have that balanced bod and confidence again… And I have no regrets. There may be some of you that disagree with my choice, but in truth, I got them for myself and no one else. And hopefully not sounding mean, I’m not looking for anyone’s approval but my own.
I wanted to feel all giddy and happy and proud of my well-earned mom bod, not punished… I did the time in producing a baby, why can’t I treat myself to an upgrade of something that I deserve?
Should a woman have to give a reason to do something for herself?
I kick my ass at the gym, and I can sculpt everything on my body, but I cannot make bigger boobs.
Side note and SUPER IMPORTANT- all breasts are gorgeous… Even the “pancake” ones I mentioned having before. Again, I loved myself that way, but I wanted to do something that would bring me happiness. ALL BODIES ARE AMAZING!!! I believe this 100%. So please, do not think I think any boobs are not perfect as-is by reading this post. It was just a personal choice I made and should not make you feel anything but empowered to make your own choices that will bring you happiness…
If this is something you’re considering, I’ve included the top 10 questions I’ve been asked about my surgery.
Top 10 Questions About My Breast Augmentation:
1.) Who was your Doctor for your Breast Augmentation? Dr. Stacey Folk in Denver. She was WONDERFUL and I recommend her practice to everyone who asks.
2.) What type of implant? Silicone
3.) What size did you get? Ok. I know this sucks, but this is one I don’t feel should be answered and heres why. There are dozens of measurements made and many factors need to be considered in choosing the right size for you. I can just say I went up two cup sizes to “fill me out” and get to my breastfeeding size boobs I had years ago.
4.) Where was your implant placed? Mine was fully under the muscle aka “sub-muscular”. Takes longer to heal but most surgeons do this method because it looks more natural.
5.) Where is your incision? Most surgeons have a preferred incision point and Dr. Folk does it under the breast (also known as an inframammary incision).
6.) How much does Breast Augmentation Cost? I’m sure there are many places out there that would have been kinder on my wallet- but in truth, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. I would hate to go see a cheap surgeon and get cheap results. It took me months (yes- MONTHS) to get in for a consult with Dr. Folk. Just a consult. I loved working with her, and I would confidently say she was worth every penny. (Her staff was kick-ass too!) She along with other parts of the surgery ran me close to $10k but I paid for implants that have a guarantee of 20 years. That’s pretty 100% worth it to me.
7.) What was your level of pain and any complications? I did have an allergic reaction to one of the pain killers after the surgery where I had a terrible body rash that actually re-awakened my chicken pox believe it or not. It lasted for about 6 weeks but that was all. I also had “zingers” which I’ll explain next but they weren’t the worst thing in the world.
Because I had to immediately stop one of the pain killers that assisted in swelling, my pain was a little more uncomfortable but nothing I couldn’t handle. I was on a high dose of Tylenol for a while but the heavier meds were only for a little bit and more to aid with sleeping. I slept in my recliner in my living room for 5 weeks. That was interesting. LOL.
I will mention is that for the first bit you’ll be kind of numb in your chest due to the anesthesia and other meds used during surgery and nerves cut in the process. When your tissues start coming out of that numb state, you could experience little bastards called “zingers”. Personally, I think they feel like tiny little lightning bolts in your breast tissue. Again, they sucked but only happened once in and while. It was usually when I was doing something I wasn’t supposed to like washing dishes or lifting something a little heavier than I should have. Sucks to be OCD and can’t clean for a month, ladies! Lol.
8.) Has your upper body strength changed since your breast augmentation? Because the implants are under my muscle, my strength has changed. I used to go to the gym regularly and actually had very good upper body strength BUT because it stretched that muscle out dramatically and for about 5 weeks I couldn’t lift my arms above shoulder height, all strength I did have dramatically decreased. Due to covid, I have sadly not been going to the gym as much but when I get into my old routine, I will be sure to update my post. All I know is my implants felt sort of foreign to me for a bit, but now (3 months later) I feel like my body has always been like that and I forget about my surgery.
9.) Honest opinion- Do they look real? Haha. This is the question that makes me chuckle the most. Right after surgery, I wanted to cry. They looked crazy! Like, what the f*ck did I do?! kind of crazy. They looked like orbs glued to my chest. Hard ones that felt like aliens wanting to burst out of my skin. BUT NOW (now that I’ve properly terrified you into never do this) they look more natural, and they will keep “settling and fluffing” for up to six months. Fluffing… Lol. Sounds like mash potatoes…
10.) Favorite thing about getting breast augmentation and least favorite thing? Favorite thing is that balance thing I told you about before. I love that my breast are now balanced with my lower portions and I adore that I can fill out my shirts better now and pancake boobs are only a distant memory. The downside- they aren’t real. I have a real fear that people will judge me that I got them while also advising women to embrace who they are. But this is who I am and who I’ve wanted to be for a long time… So, I did it. And I hope you all can be my cheerleaders along the way.